December 7, 2023

A vector or raster graphic program for Tatting lace?

TatHelper draft diagram of a Pinterest tatting pic


Muskaan answered a question in the last post, she used templates, sometimes used Robin's free template, I guess the polar guide with 12 divisions for snowflakes.

That made me go to Robin's blog, tutorial page. 

December 2, 2023

Keeping on

Half diagram of a Robin Perfeti's free pattern
Graph with TatHelper

Checking old tatting books in the Antique Pattern Library web site, looking for inspiration for my graphic challenge, found one that it's not very known, Mrs Warren Needlework designs from 1869.

November 19, 2023

Graphing so far

Tatting has 2 basic knots that create a stitch, 2 basic shapes built of those knots and that's all you need to develop really complex designs. You can also change one of those shapes with its original counterpart, the bare thread.  

November 18, 2023

So long/e time

Where have gone almost 4 years? I can't remember what happened the first three, we all know anyway, but this year has been a hard, health hazardous one for me. Battling to stay alive and recovered from "medical assistance", whatever it means these days.

Visiting other blogs that I usually read till 2020, I've found that many of the tatters stopped writing and sharing since last weeks of 2020/June 2021. What happened?