I have tatted the original patterns several times, then I versioned them till I had another work, like my rice grains booties.
Here's one of the medallions from the Bonnet that I versioned to get a squared motif and used it to decorate mats and blouses

I wanted to decorate a tablecloth with that motif but didn't know how much thread I would need and didn't find the thread colour for it. If I'd buy thread online never know how it would look until I've received it.
So I decided to hand dye my own thread in yellow, lilac and white (the original colour) and used TatHelper to know how much thread I would need.
For the tatted center I handdyed 112mt 12cm 8mm or 122yd 1ft 10in (115mts to be sure) for THREAD1, and 37mts 27cm or 40yd 2ft 3in (40mts to be sure), for THREAD2 to tat the 25 squared medallions
I'm still tatting, working with thread size 40 I've got a 5.5 cm x 5.5 cm motif.
[MATERIAL] NAME=Bonnets Medallion squared version
TATTER= Aurora Lozada
On_Shuttle_A= 112mt 12cm 8mm or 122yd 1ft 10in
On_Shuttle_B= 37mt 27cm 1mm or 40yd 2ft 3in
25 {
R0= 11 (2DS vsp) 2DS CR
MP= PC # 0.4 (5mm) inches heigh picot gauge
[ROUND2] # First 3 corners of motif
SR= 3DS pb 4DS / 4DS pb 3DS CR
3 {
2 {
C= 4DS <R=6DS + 6DS - 6DS- 6DS> 4DS RW
# join to previous ring thrown off chain
R= 3DS + 4DS + 4DS pb 3DS CR RW
# join to last picot previous ring and R0's next free picot
C= 4DS <R= 6DS + 6DS <ROR= 3( 6DS -) 6DS CR> 6DS - 6DS CR> 4DS RW
# join to previous ring thrown off chain
R= 3DS + 4DS + 4DS pb 3DS CR RW
# join to last picot previous ring and R0's next free picot
# Last corner
C= 4DS <R=6DS + 6DS - 6DS- 6DS> 4DS RW
# join to previous ring thrown off chain
R= 3DS + 4DS + 4DS pb 3DS CR RW
# join to R0 and last picot previous ring
C= 4DS <R=6DS + 6DS - 6DS- 6DS> 4DS RW
# join to previous ring thrown off chain
R= 3DS + 4DS + 4DS +SR 3DS CR RW
# join to last picot previous ring, join to R0's last picot, and
# join to 1st picot of the SR
#A tricky end
C= 4DS <R= 6DS + 6DS <ROR= 3( 6DS -) 6DS CR> 6DS + 6DS CR> 4DS +SR
# join to previous ring thrown off chain and
# join to last picot of 1st ring thrown off chain and
# join chain to the base of the SR
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